Depression comes before self harming and suicide because they think that there isn’t a way to escape and they need that relief.

One story that really hit home was an American boy who got bullied for being gay.  His name was Jamey Rodemeyer. He was only 14 years old and he idol was lady gaga because no matter what she always came back on top. He made video’s kind of like a video blog but instead he was telling people that it got easier and that there were loads of ways of getting support and help. He made videos called “It gets better, I promise” he had to put up with months of bullying and he ended up also having lots of counselling. On the video there were hundreds of bullying comments saying about God and how the bible doesn’t condone gay people but yet there were hundreds of comments saying he was a hero and how what he went through was horrible. After Lady Gaga had heard about it she then later quoted “Jamey Rodemeyer, 14-yrs-old, took his life because of bullying. Bullying must become illegal. It is a hate crime. The past days I've spent reflecting, crying, and yelling. I have so much anger. It is hard to feel love when cruelty takes someone's life.” people never think of the consequences of bullying and because of that he ended up taking his own life. The teen had told people loads of times about how bad the bullying got and no one ever listened so our main objective is to hope it never gets this bad.  Another boy who committed suicide was Tyler Clementi, and he committed suicide because his room mate and university filmed him kissing another man and put it online for hundreds of people to see. After making several complaints about his room mate and no one listened he couldn’t take it any more so he killed himself. 
Hundreds of people kill themselves because of bullying and it isn’t right. People who have been bullied before should stand up and defend people who are being bullied because remember how you felt when you though you were on your own. You must of felt scared, intimidated, hurt, upset and now think about how they must feel.  Put a stop to all this bullying.  ‘TWLOHA’ stands for; ‘To Write Love On Her Arms’ and even though it isn’t 24 hours long or has trained people on it; it still helps! It is just normal people who are ready to help and listen....have a look!