There are lots of ways of bullying, you may bully someone without noticing it but it still isn’t nice and it can still hurt people. There are lots of different ways you can bully someone;
Cyber bullying is where you post nasty things of people on the internet and say things to them on social networking sites. Cyber bullying isn’t a nice thing at all; the internet is there to help you not to make you feel bad. If you have been a victim of cyber bullying or you are still being a victim of cyber bullying tell somebody or press the little red button which is on all social networking sites.
Emotional/psychological abuse is where you make people feel bad or make them feel worthless. This is also when you make up rumours about them so they become paranoid. If this is happening to you or you see it happening to somebody before it’s too late.
Physical abuse is where you physically hit or touch somebody so they get hurt; this is the worst type of abuse because this can cross in with emotional/psychological abuse and also verbal abuse. If this happens you should tell somebody immediately.
Verbal abuse is where you call people names or make up rumours or say nasty things about people, if you see this you should tell somebody.
I personally had an experience with bullying as well and I don’t ever want to go back to that; I got bullied because I am ginger. It started of with a few names so I never took any notice but then people started to send rumours about me around. I never went to teacher because I though it would sort it self out but it went on form year 7 to year 9. I hated school life because of it people were texting me, name calling and sending me nasty messages over the internet. I remember thinking that I hated life; I felt like it was my fault and I always used to just pretend that it didn’t affect me but when I got home I used to just hide in my room and cry, I never told my mum or my brother and I never told a teacher. I never told a teacher because I was scared that it would get worse because I was ‘grassed’. There were a group of girls in particular and when I was on the bus on my own they all started on me and I ended up getting off the bus early and I was lost. My mum used to always ask me but I denied it now I really regret that. I remember how exactly I feel, I remember being chased because a girl though it would be funny to send round lies about me. I felt useless and I just closed myself off and kept to myself. One day my mum saw my facebook page and she read some of the messages and I was distraught because I though I was in trouble but my mum came into school and spoke to my head teacher and when she didn’t address the situation straight away my mum took me out off school and they quickly resolved it then. I remember how relieved I felt when the school took it seriously and we spoke about it and they had to apologise. So talking to teachers really does help and they really do make it better; you feel so much safer when you tell someone. Once you tell a teacher you will feel so much safer within school and you feel like you don’t have to watch your back everywhere you go. It will also make you feel that you can go to school happily without trying to guess what lies people have told about you now and that you can actually get the bus home without getting bullied or forced off it.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” is all lies; sticks and stones will break your bones but at least you can get it sorted out and get pain medications and the affects of breaking your bones shouldn’t last forever but words can. Words might not hurt you physically but they can hurt you emotionally. Emotional pain is much worse than physical because you can spot it easier than emotional and repercussions could be more dangerous.